1.2T Line Card
1.2Tbps DWDM line card can provide up to 12 OTU4 or three 400G client ports. For more details of the 1.2T
line card, see the
• The physical characteristics of the 1.2T line card are:
• Height—40.4 mm
• Breadth—191.9 mm
• Depth—277 mm without the fiber management bracket; 297.97 mm with the fiber management
• Weight—3.2 kg
For the LED details of the line card, see the
Install Line Card
This task has details about installing a line card in to the NCS 1004 chassis. The chassis is shipped with filler
cards and/or line cards. The Cisco NCS 1004 chassis supports a maximum of four line cards.
Before you begin
It is mandatory to attach the fiber management brackets to the filler cards and line cards before installing the
chassis onto a rack. For a detailed procedure, see the
Attach Fiber Management Bracket
The following procedure is not required if the chassis is shipped with preinstalled line cards. For shipping
details, see the
Step 1
Unscrew the Torx screws of the filler card using a T15 Torx screwdriver.
Step 2
Holding the fiber management bracket of the filler card with one hand and supporting it with the other, remove the filler
card from the chassis.
Step 3
Attach the fiber management bracket to the line card that needs to be installed. Follow the procedure as mentioned at the
beginning of the section.
Step 4
Orient the line card. Check for the
This Side Up
Step 5
Use both the hands while inserting a line card. Use one hand to hold the line card using the fiber management bracket
and the other hand along the base of the card to guide it into the slot.
Hardware Installation Guide for Cisco NCS 1004
Install Cisco NCS 1004 Modules
1.2T Line Card