New SNMP Variables
78-4015908-01 Rev F
New SNMP Variables
Support for traps requires additional data available through SNMP. This additional
data may be useful even if not using traps.
SNMP is the only way this additional data can be accessed. It cannot be accessed
through the ICIM front panel or an SMC interface.
Table of Inserted Modules
This table is named p2InsertModuleTable. It contains a list of modules inserted since
the last time the ICIM was reset or told to update the chassis ID for all modules. It
does not include modules found when the initial search for modules is performed.
The modules are displayed in chronological order, with the most recently inserted
module always being in index position 1. If the number of modules inserted exceeds
the capacity of the table, the oldest entries are deleted.
This table only contains the chassis and slot ID for a detected module. It is necessary
to look at the other tables for more information.
Each row of this table is made up of the following variables:
The index for this table. The most recently inserted
module is always in index position 1.
The chassis ID number of the new module.
The slot ID number of the new module.
Table of Removed Modules
This table is named p2RemoveModuleTable. It contains a list of modules removed
since the last time the ICIM was reset or told to update the chassis ID for all
The modules are displayed in chronological order, with the most recently removed
module always being in index position 1. If the number of modules removed exceeds
the capacity of the table, the oldest entries are deleted.
If a module is removed before the "plug-and-play" data is read in, the type, name,
and serial number are blank.
Each row of this table is made up of the following variables: