Chapter 7
Using Directories
7-4 CallConnector Operator
Search and Query
Edit Directory
Figure 7-2 Directory Toolbar
Character-by-Character Search
As the operator presses the alphabetic keys, the directory search is performed and the cursor
moves to the nearest match. The search is performed over the information in the selected
column. The search field displays the letters as they are entered. This allows the search
characters to be cleared or modified. The character-by-character search mode is enabled by
selecting the search field in the directory toolbar.
The query operation is different from the search in the following ways:
The query can display the results from matches over multiple fields.
Only the records that match the entered text are displayed.
Users do not have to select the fields over which to perform the query.
The query mode is enabled by default.
You can clear the results to return to the default display.
The Edit buttons allow the operator to delete, modify or add a new contact.
The Directory buttons switch the view to display the contents of the selected directory.