Chapter 10
Setting up Preferences
10-2 CallConnector Operator
Preferences Overview
There are four areas in the Preferences Window that you may change to adapt the CallConnector
Operator user interface and behavior to your preference. They are:
Defines how the CallConnector Operator communicates to
external applications and network. You may configure dialing
rules and number formats, login and NIC settings, and
connections with MS Outlook/Exchange.
Explains how you can change the look and feel of your
CallConnector Operator application including font and theme.
You can also choose which windows to display, and customize
the position as well as the size of each window.
Describes how to use keyboard shortcuts to interact with the
CallConnector Operator. You can change the default hotkeys in
this section.
The CallConnector Operator supports a set of languages
including German, English, Spanish, French and Italian. Only the
CallConnector Operator user interface will be affected. The
language of the help files and supported tools will be available
only in English.
To Open the Preferences Window
On the CallConnector Operator main menu, click Options/Preferences.
To Close the Preferences Window
Press the Esc key, or click on Cancel or the Close icon on the top-left corner of the Preferences
window to discard any changes and close the window. Press Enter or click on OK will save the
changes and close the window.