3. Installation and
This chapter describes the steps for downloading, installing and configuring the CallConnector
Operator Standalone and Client. The following topics are discussed:
Installation Overview -
Provides an overview of the CallConnector
Operator client and standalone installation
Pre-requisites for Installation -
Describes the information you need to have on
hand during the installation of the CallConnector
Operator client and standalone.
Configurations on Router -
Describes the features and services that need to
be setup on the Cisco Router for the
CallConnector Operator.
Minimum System Requirements -
Describes the minimum hardware and software
required to run the CallConnector Operator.
Download Site -
Site from which the CallConnector Operator
software can be downloaded.
Installing CallConnector Operator -
Describes the steps and options for installing
CallConnector Operator.
Configuring CallConnector Server -
This section provides the steps for configuring
CallConnector Operator in Standalone mode. It
refers installers to the Administrator’s Guide.
Performing an Upgrading -
Describes the steps for upgrading an existing
CallConnector Operator with a new install
Removing CallConnector Operator -
This section describes the steps for removing
and un-installing the CallConnector Operator
program and all its components.
Troubleshooting -
Describes the steps for resolving installation and
configuration issues.