DNS servers and DNS host name (System > DNS)
DNS servers are specific to each peer. Each peer can use a different set of DNS servers.
System host name
Domain name
are specific to each peer.
NTP servers and time zone (System > Time)
NTP servers
are specific to each peer. Each peer may use one or more different NTP servers.
Time zone
is specific to each peer. Each peer may have a different local time.
SNMP (System > SNMP)
SNMP settings are specific to each peer. They can be different for each peer.
Logging (Maintenance > Logging)
The Event Log and Configuration Log on each peer only report activity for that particular VCS. The
Log level
and the list of
Remote syslog servers
are specific to each peer. We recommend that you set up a remote
syslog server to which the logs of all peers can be sent. This allows you to have a global view of activity
across all peers in the cluster. See the
section for further details.
Security certificates (Maintenance > Security certificates)
The trusted CA certificate, server certificate and certificate revocation lists (CRLs) used by the VCS must be
uploaded individually per peer.
Administration access (System > Administration)
The following system administration access settings are specific to each peer:
Serial port / console
SSH service
Web interface (over HTTPS)
Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS
Automated protection service
Option keys (Maintenance > Option keys)
Option keys are specific to each peer. Each peer must have an identical set of option keys installed, but you
must purchase these separately for each peer in the cluster. However, this does not apply to traversal call
licenses, non-traversal call licenses and TURN relay licenses; these licenses can be installed on any cluster
peer and are available for use by any peer in the cluster.
Active Directory Service (Configuration > Authentication > Devices > Active Directory Service)
When configuring the connection to an Active Directory Service for device authentication, the
machine name (override)
, and domain administrator
are specific to each peer.
Conference Factory template (Applications > Conference Factory)
The template used by the Conference Factory application to route calls to the MCU is peer-specific, as it
must be unique for each peer in the cluster.
VCS front panel display mode (configurable through CLI only)
xConfiguration Administration LCDPanel Mode
CLI setting is specific to each peer.
Cisco VCS Administrator Guide (X8.1.1)
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Clustering and peers
Managing clusters and peers