Authentication H350 LdapServerAddressResolution: <AddressRecord/ServiceRecord>
Sets how the LDAP server address is resolved if specified as an FQDN. Default: AddressRecord.
Address record
: DNS A or AAAA record lookup.
SRV record
: DNS SRV record lookup.
xConfiguration Authentication H350 LdapServerAddressResolution: AddressRecord
Authentication H350 LdapServerPort: <1..65535>
Sets the IP port of the LDAP server to use when making LDAP queries for device authentication. Typically, non-secure connections
use 389 and secure connections use 636. Default : 389
xConfiguration Authentication H350 LdapServerPort: 389
Authentication H350 Mode: <On/Off>
Enables or disables the use of an H.350 directory for device authentication. Default: Off.
xConfiguration Authentication H350 Mode: Off
Authentication LDAP AliasOrigin: <LDAP/Endpoint/Combined>
Determines how aliases are checked and registered. Default: LDAP.
: the aliases presented by the endpoint are checked against those listed in the LDAP database.
: the aliases presented by the endpoint are used; any in the LDAP database are ignored.
: the aliases presented by the endpoint are used in addition to any listed in the LDAP database.
xConfiguration Authentication LDAP AliasOrigin: LDAP
Authentication Password: <S: 0, 215>
The password used by the VCS when authenticating with another system. The maximum plaintext length is 128 characters, which is
then encrypted. Note: this does not apply to traversal client zones.
xConfiguration Authentication Password: "password123"
Authentication Remote Digest Cache ExpireCheckInterval: <0..65535>
The interval between digest authentication cache expiration checks in seconds. Default: 600
xConfiguration Authentication Remote Digest Cache ExpireCheckInterval: 600
Authentication Remote Digest Cache Lifetime: <0..43200>
The lifetime of digest authentication interim hashes in seconds. Default: 600
xConfiguration Authentication Remote Digest Cache Lifetime: 600
Authentication Remote Digest Cache Limit: <0..65535>
The interval between digest authentication cache expiration checks in seconds. Default: 10000
xConfiguration Authentication Remote Digest Cache Limit: 10000
Authentication Remote Digest Cache Mode: <On/Off>
Controls whether the digest authentication cache is enabled. Default: On
xConfiguration Authentication Remote Digest Cache Mode: On
Authentication StrictPassword Enabled: <On/Off>
Determines whether local administrator account passwords must meet a minimum level of complexity before they are accepted. In
addition, passwords must not: be based on a dictionary word contain too many consecutive characters such as "abc" or "123",
contain too few different characters or be palindromes. Default: Off.
: local administrator account passwords must meet the complexity requirements.
: passwords are not checked for complexity.
xConfiguration Authentication StrictPassword Enabled: Off
Cisco VCS Administrator Guide (X8.1.1)
Page 428 of 507
Reference material
Command reference — xConfiguration