Ethernet [1..2] IP V4 Address: <S: 7,15>
Specifies the IPv4 address of the specified LAN port. Note: you must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
xConfiguration Ethernet 1 IP V4 Address: ""
Ethernet [1..2] IP V4 StaticNAT Address: <S:7,15>
If the VCS is operating in static NAT mode, this specifies the external public IPv4 address of that static NAT. You must restart the
system for any changes to take effect.
xConfiguration Ethernet 1 IP V4 StaticNAT Address: ""
Ethernet [1..2] IP V4 StaticNAT Mode: <On/Off>
Specifies whether the VCS is located behind a static NAT. You must restart the system for any changes to take effect. Default: Off.
xConfiguration Ethernet 1 IP V4 StaticNAT Mode: On
Ethernet [1..2] IP V4 SubnetMask: <S: 7,15>
Specifies the IPv4 subnet mask of the specified LAN port. You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
xConfiguration Ethernet 1 IP V4 SubnetMask: ""
Ethernet [1..2] IP V6 Address: <S: 0, 39>
Specifies the IPv6 address of the specified LAN port. You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
xConfiguration Ethernet 1 IP V6 Address: "2001:db8::1428:57ab"
Ethernet [1..2] Speed: <Auto/10half/10full/100half/100full/1000full
Sets the speed of the Ethernet link from the specified LAN port. Use Auto to automatically configure the speed. You must restart the
system for any changes to take effect. Default: Auto.
xConfiguration Ethernet 1 Speed: Auto
ExternalManager Address: <S: 0, 128>
Sets the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the external manager.
xConfiguration ExternalManager Address: ""
ExternalManager Path: <S: 0, 255>
Sets the URL of the external manager. Default: tms/public/external/management/SystemManagementService.asmx
xConfiguration ExternalManager Path:
ExternalManager Protocol: <HTTP/HTTPS>
The protocol used to connect to the external manager. Default: HTTPS.
xConfiguration ExternalManager Protocol: HTTPS
ExternalManager Server Certificate Verification Mode: <On/Off>
Controls whether the certificate presented by the external manager is verified. Default: On.
xConfiguration ExternalManager Server Certificate Verification Mode: On
H323 Gatekeeper AutoDiscovery Mode: <On/Off>
Determines whether or not the VCS responds to gatekeeper discovery requests from endpoints. Default: On.
xConfiguration H323 Gatekeeper AutoDiscovery Mode: On
H323 Gatekeeper CallSignaling PortRange End: <1024..65534>
Specifies the upper port in the range to be used by calls once they are established. Default: 19999.
xConfiguration H323 Gatekeeper CallSignaling PortRange End: 19999
Cisco VCS Administrator Guide (X8.1.1)
Page 432 of 507
Reference material
Command reference — xConfiguration