Installing the Cisco VG450 Voice Gateway
While you do this installation, record your progress and site information. See the suggested format in the
Installation Checklist
Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, or service this equipment. Statement
Read the installation instructions before connecting the system to the power source. Statement 1004
This chapter contains the procedures for installing your Cisco VG450 Voice Gateway and consists of the
following sections:
Safety Recommendations, on page 1
Unpacking and Inspection, on page 5
Install the Cisco VG450 Voice Gateway, on page 5
Power-On Procedure, on page 11
Safety Recommendations
The following information is included to alert you to safety recommendations and best practices when working
with this equipment.
Maintaining Safety with Electricity
Follow these guidelines when working on equipment powered by electricity.
High leakage current—earth connection essential before connecting to system power supply. Statement 342
Installing the Cisco VG450 Voice Gateway