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RDM data replaces DMX data, and so reduces the resolution of the DMX data
stream, particularly when lengthy, complex operations like Discovery are
occurring. This loss of resolution can affect the performance of sensitive DMX
and RDM controlled devices (like LED fixtures) and can even make the whole
system pause or appear sluggish while the RDM operation is occurring.
Some conventional DMX devices ignore RDM start codes. Although for many
years, the DMX512 Standard has required DMX devices to not respond
incorrectly to data packets with alternate (non-0) start codes, there are units out
there that completely disregard the start code, which means they will do some
strange things when presented with RDM data.
For these reasons, we recommended that RDM users test their system well in advance
of show time to identify any non-compliant DMX devices that might flip out during RDM
operations, and so that operators can experience the loss of resolution that occurs
during RDM operations and decide if they should limit RDM sessions to non-critical
periods, such as during the pre-show checkout.