CK4L-3000B instruction
Shenzhen Createk Electronics
Tel: +86-755-26643017
Floor 2/3,8 Block,A Area,Tanglang Industry Zone,Xili Town,Nanshan District , 518055, Shenzhen City
Connector: Owen Zhong, E-mail:
, Mobile: +86 13714452125 Page 24 of 26
and disconnect the serial port
User can connect or disconnect the serial port at any time by simply clicking the button of
"connect "and "disconnect".
Built-in Sending Card
Loose the screw and take out the metal plate. Connect the sending card to the interface of
the metal plate and insert it back to the case . Notice: make sure the sending card is connected to
the PCI slot (white in color) which inside the case tightly. If sending card needs the internal
voltage supply, just connect to the power socket provided inside the case. If sending card needs
an external voltage supply, a 5V power outlet is provided on the rear side of the case.