Regular exercise helps increase or enhance nitric oxide production in the
body; and the more nitric oxide that is produced, the more protection you
have against cardiovascular disease and many other diseases. For individuals
who have problems with inflammation, studies indicate the release of nitric
oxide can also work as a natural anti-inflammatory.
Regular exercise can also help the body to produce and release endorphins.
Endorphins are a group of substances formed within the body and are
normally released during exercise. They naturally relieve pain and work as a
natural anti-depressant. Endorphins have a similar action as morphine and
codeine without the side effects.
The Health Benefits of Drinking Water
Water is the second most important ingredient for the body after oxygen.
Drinking a glass of water after your session is recommended to help flush
toxins out of the system.
The health benefits of drinking water are many, including: a clear, healthy
and vibrant complexion, regular bowel and urinary functions, healthier teeth
and bones, and as an aid in weight loss. Drinking water is essential for life.
We can live without many things including certain foods. However, without
consuming adequate amounts of drinking water we will die in only a few
days. Water makes up about two thirds of the human body. It is the main
component of blood, urine, lymph, sweat, and digestive juices. We need
water simply to function every day. Water produces energy, regulates body
temperature, builds new cells, lubricates joints, and eliminates waste.
We lose water naturally every day from breathing, sweating, and eliminating
waste. We also lose water every day as a result of exercise and/or environmental
conditions such as humidity and heat. During the summer months, water loss
is greater because perspiration, which is used to cool our bodies, evaporates
faster in a hot environment. As it evaporates, our bodies produce more
perspiration, using up more and more of the water in our bodies. When
the water has been depleted, our bodies are not able to cool and we become
over heated. Without water, blood pressure rises and the heart begins to
malfunction causing the kidneys to shut down. This is very dangerous and
can lead to death if not treated properly in time.
Because using the Exerciser Elite® helps to move the lymph fluid, a person will
most likely experience different forms of detoxification. Detox and cleansing
is one of the most important functions that the human body performs. When
most people decide to detox their body it is usually because they are sick and
are having a problem recovering from a long term chronic illness. They are
trying to clean out toxins that have accumulated over several years. There are
many parts of the body that handle detoxification such as the liver, lungs,
kidneys, colon and skin. Drinking water helps carry the toxins out of the
body quicker and more efficiently.
The Autonomic/Unconscious Nervous System
The human body has two nervous systems called the somatic or
the autonomic or
somatic or conscious
nervous system is what we control. It is what lets
us direct activities in our daily lives. We walk, brush our teeth, and exercise,
etc, as per our command.
autonomic or unconscious
nervous system controls all of our body
functions that we do not have any control over, such as, digestion, pumping of
blood, oxygen utilization, etc. This system consists of two parts, sympathetic
and parasympathetic.
The sympathetic is what allows us to do many things in life. It is the fight or
flight adrenaline trigger. It moves the blood around the body to the degree
that we need it in an emergency situation. The parasympathetic is a calming
mechanism, which helps to balance the effects from the sympathetic. These
sympathetic and parasympathetic components in the unconscious nervous
system need to be balanced in order for a person to have good health.
Exercise Brings Balance
Many people lack balance in their life. Stress is the number one cause for
imbalance of the autonomic nervous system. The pressures of daily living can
create a situation where the parasympathetic does not function properly. Most
people have a hard time managing their stress levels. Many people cannot
unwind and relax before they go to sleep. Insomnia is a major health concern
for more and more people. Exercise is important in helping to bring balance
in the autonomic nervous system. The Exerciser Elite® has helped many long
time insomniacs to start sleeping peacefully after only a few days of use.