8 | Nord drum 2 user maNual os v2.1x
Chapter 1 overview
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Press the Shift button to exit a store opera-
tion, or to exit editing the additional param-
eters .
Solo Edit
Solo Edit allows you to hear only the section
(Noise, Tone or Click) that is
currently being edited . In
addition, the channel in
focus will be soloed in
regard to incoming MIDI
notes .
Use the Trig/Tap (Trig)
button to trigger a selected
channel .
You can set the Echo
tempo by tapping . Hold the
Shift and Echo BPM button, and tap repeat-
edly on the Trig/Tap (Trig) button . Four taps
are needed to set a tempo . Dots in the lower
part of the LED display will show the progress
of the beats as you tap .
Trig Level
Adjust the Trig/Tap button’s output velocity .
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Press the Program button to the left of the
display to return to selecting programs with
the Dial .