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Follow the same pattern when cutting a cast-iron tub as described for the other tub types. Begin by
cutting the bottom lines of your template, followed by the downward vertical cuts, leaving the top
adjoining pieces for last.
Measuring & Cutting the CleanCut Ultra-Low
Once you have completed cutting out the section of the tub, you can begin to fit the CleanCut Ultra-Low
into the tub opening. Please note that the Ultra-Low should be installed with the logo showing on the
outside of the tub.
Take a stack of heavy cardstock paper. This is the paper used to trace the cut-out section of the tub
onto the CleanCut Ultra-Low. Place the paper onto the left end and trace the outline of the pattern
onto the paper. Once completed, mark this tracing as “Left”, so as to remember which side was
traced. It is also helpful to place an arrow on the template to indicate which direction is the inside
of the tub.
Repeat the process for the right side of the tub. Mark this tracing “Right”.
Cut out the paper templates with scissors making sure to keep to the inside of the tracings (Figure
It is time to transfer the shape of our cut tub onto the CleanCut Ultra-Low. Before continuing, it is
recommended that a drop cloth approximately 3’ x 4’ size be placed on the floor to prevent any
dust or other debris from transferring onto the CleanCut Ultra-Low.
Place the right end of the CleanCut Ultra-Low on the ground in order to trace the left side of the
CleanCut Ultra-Low. Place the top of the paper template approximately
from the top of the
CleanCut Ultra-Low (Figure 3). Place the tracing on the CleanCut Ultra-Low so that the slope is
similar to that of the tub. Trace the outline of the paper onto the CleanCut Ultra-Low with a
continuous line. Continue the lines with a straight edge down and around the corners. Repeat the
same procedure for the right end of the CleanCut Ultra-Low. Remember to place the paper
template approximately 1” down from the top of the
CleanCut Ultra-Low before beginning to trace.
Continue the lines with a straight edge down and around the corners.