If your water pipes are metal (galvanized or copper), they may be used to ground electrical
systems, appliances, or your phone line. If this is the case, be sure to install regulation
ground clamps to the metal pipe on each side of the plastic filter housing and connect a
jumper wire between the 2 clamps (#4 gauge solid copper wire recommended).
Alternatively, your plumbing code MAY allow you to connect the jumper wire to the 2 shut-
off valves (see diagram). Consult a certified electrician or plumber if you are unsure.
Remove the protective plastic wrap from the filter cartridges and place each in its
appropriate blue housing sump. At the bottom of the sump, there is a raised portion in the middle
(standpipe) that will help center the filter in the housing. The standpipe will fit inside the hole
that runs through the middle of the filter cartridge. Check to make sure that the O-ring is seated
properly in the grove at the top of the blue housing sump, then screw each blue housing sump
containing the filter cartridge onto its black housing cap. Use the spanner wrench to tighten. Do
not over-tighten. Excessive force is not required to obtain a good seal.
Turn on the water and inspect all plumbing connections very carefully for leaks. Also
inspect the seal between the black housing caps and the blue housing sumps to ensure that the
O-ring has formed a good seal. Tighten this connection again using the spanner wrench if
necessary. If this connection still leaks, turn off the water supply and check to make sure that the
filter is aligned properly in the housing and repeat your test for leaks. When you are confident
that all connections are sound, run cold water for 5 minutes at any faucet to purge air out of your
system and flush the filter before use. New cartridges may release “fines” (very fine black
powder) after installation. Wait one hour, and flush again for another 5 minutes prior to using the
Important Notes:
1. The manufacturer recommends that the blue housing sumps be replaced every 10 years or if
you notice any cracks or damage.
2. This filter system should not be used with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown
quality without adequate disinfection before and/or after the system.
3. Water filter systems should never be exposed to freezing temperatures - severe damage to the
filter and housings could result. Such damage is not covered under any warranty.