Revision date: 05.13.10
Curtain Conduit
Curtain Pocket
Film Cover Installation with Drop-Down Sides
Install Curtain Conduit and Attach Rope
After installing all eye screws and pulleys, locate the
curtain panel, 131S075 conduit, 1/8" rope, FA4652 screws,
and duct tape. Refer to the parts list on the previous page
if needed.
Complete these steps:
Unfold the curtain panel along one side of the shelter
and position the conduit pocket of the drop-down
curtain along the baseboard.
Dashed line shows where to position the pocket of the
curtain panel. Curtain is approximately 24" longer than
the length of the building. Position so 12" of the curtain
extend beyond each end of the assembled frame.
Take one section of 131S075 conduit (75") and insert
the plain end (not the tapered/swaged end) into the
curtain pocket.
With the first conduit section in the pocket, add
another section to the first (plain end over tapered/
swaged end), secure the joint using an FA4482B Tek
screw, and tape the conduit joint using duct tape.
Continue adding conduit sections and securing each
joint until the conduit is as long as the curtain panel.
Complete the curtain conduit installation by cutting
the conduit so that it extends from the panel pocket
approximately 1" at each end.
Allowing the curtain to extend beyond the
end rafters offers a way to secure the curtain to the end
rafter legs/ground posts when temperatures drop. The
customer can customize this installation as needed for
a different result.
Tapered/Swaged End
Position the curtain and the installed curtain conduit as
desired along the side of the frame.
Measure the distance
from the curtain conduit up to
pulley and back down to the axle conduit
mounted to
the frame. Add 12" to ensure that the chord length is
sufficient and cut a cord from the bulk roll.
Record the
length for reference.
Diagram above shows where to measure to determine
the length for each axle-to-curtain conduit cord.
Curtain Panel
Panel Pocket
Base Board
Ribbon Board
Measure this distance
Curtain Panel
Panel Pocket with Conduit
Ribbon Board