Revision date: 02.10.10
Main Cover Installation
The PVC conduit is inserted into notched pockets at each
end of the main cover. Strapping is then threaded around
the conduit and the end rafters. This strapping is evenly
tightened to stretch the main cover end-to-end.
Required parts and tools:
3/4" PVC conduit and 1" strap
Duct tape, Tek screws, and driver for Tek screws
Tool to cut strap, a lift or ladders to reach top of frame,
and assistants to install and tighten strap
Photo shows the stretch pocket and the conduit and
strapping as installed for a similar main cover. View shows
the cover as seen when standing inside the frame looking
up at the end rafter.
PVC Conduit
inside pocket
End Rafter
Hem Pocket
Photo above shows a similar cover and the location of the
stretch pocket. Cover is shown with the underside facing
up, which is the side visible from inside the frame when
the cover is installed.
Stretch Hem
End of main cover
where bonnet strap
is located.
Sample Main
Cover to show
pocket location.
PVC conduits are installed near the ends of the main
cover to provide an additional tie-down position. Complete
these steps to install the conduit and strapping for the
stretch pockets of the main cover.
Take the first section of PVC conduit and feed it into
the stretch pocket just above the installed corner cap
from the inside.
Insert the plain end of the conduit into
the pocket so the next section can be joined to the
If needed, cut a small opening in the stretch pocket
2"-4" above the corner cap and insert the plain end
of the PVC into the pocket and continue with the next
Do not cut the main cover; cut only the pocket.
Photo shows the stretch pocket and the installed PVC
conduit at the end of a similar main cover. Feed PVC into
pocket and connect additional sections until the conduit is
assembled and it reaches the same point at the other end of
the pocket.
Once the bell end (lower end of the PVC) reaches
the pocket, take another section of PVC conduit, coat
plain end with PVC glue (customer-supplied), and
insert end into the bell end of the PVC in the pocket.
Wrap the joint using duct tape if desired.
Repeat the steps and continue to assemble and feed
the PVC conduit into the pocket until you reach a
point just above the corner cap on the other side of
the frame. Cut the PVC to the required length.
Repeat the steps to install the PVC for the remaining
end of the main cover.
With both PVC conduits assembled and installed,
verify that the cover is centered on the frame (side-to-
side and end-to-end) and move to one end rafter.
Stretch Hem Pocket
Make a cut in the
stretch hem and
insert PVC.