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Cleerline SSF


  3.0 mm Breakout Kit

10. Working on flat surface with an edge, tape 

down housing assembly so end of the housing 
is 2”/ 5 cm from edge.  Drape fibers over edge 
so fibers 1-6 are positioned upwards.

11. Tape insert block section of the furcation tube 

assembly to edge of the surface so tubes hang 
down to floor.  Untangle fibers so each can be 
separated back to the point where it exits the 
housing assembly.

12. Insert fiber 1 through matching colored furcation 

tube block until fiber exits far end of the tubing.  
Ensure fibers are not twisted.  Repeat process 
for fibers 2-6.  For 12 fiber kit, remove tape from 
housing, rotate housing 180° and tape down.

13. Remove block furcation tube assembly from work 

surface.  Slide assembly toward housing and insert 
block into place on housing.  For 12 fiber kit, tape 
block tube assembly for fibers 7-12 to edge of 
surface. Insert fibers and insert block into housing.

14. With notches forward toward furcation tubing, 

slide outer shell over tubing and onto housing. Align 
notches and screw holes in housing and shell.

15. Insert two screws and tighten.




Revise #1.5

Termination With: 



 Micro Distribution 250 µm Fibers

7.  Untape cable. Slide grommet strain relief 

and nut forward on the jacket and position 
end of cable jacket even with the slits in the 
grommet strain boot. 

8. Position aramid yarns through one of slits in 

boot. Hold yarns along cable jacket. 

9.  Bring housing forward and tighten one full 

turn to lock in the yarns.  Cut yarns closely 
to housing.  Tighten housing until secure.
