low temp/low battery autostart
Your system can be set to automatically start the engine if:
The temperature drops below a certain level and/or
The vehicle battery voltage drops below a certain level
If the LowTemp AutoStart feature has been programmed on and
remotely activated as noted in the alarm system’s owner’s manual, the
system will automatically start and idle the engine when the interior
temperature drops to -15°C or lower. If the LowBattery AutoStart fea-
ture has been programmed on and remotely activated as noted in the
alarm system’s owner’s manual, the system will automatically start and
idle the engine if the voltage drops below 12.2 volts to recharge the
See your Clifford G4/G5 system’s Owner’s Manual (downloadable from
www.clifford.com/guides for details on programming and remote acti-
vating feature.