In tel li Voice 4 Op era tion In struc tions
on gratu la tions on your purchase of the Clifford IntelliVoice 4, a G4 system accessory.
Your Clifford G4 vehicle security system is IntelliVoice 4 ready and will automatically
provide the following human voice synthesis features.
Arm ing
When you arm your Clifford G4 vehicle security system with its remote control, IntelliVoice 4
will announce
instead of the usual siren double-chirp confirmation.
Dis arm ing
When you remotely disarm, IntelliVoice 4 will announce
instead of the usual
single-chirp confirmation.
Full pe rime ter pro tec tion
If someone brings his hands and face to the window to see what is inside your vehicle, a verbal
warning will sound:
If the
person continues to linger near your vehicle,
IntelliVoice 4 will issue a second warning:
Im me di ate alarm sound ing
If someone actually leans into the passenger compartment, the verbal warnings are bypassed
and the full alarm sounds immediately.
Si lenc ing voice ac knowl edg ments and warn ings
You may use your G4 system’s chirp muting feature to silence the
announcements. The warning messages will not be effected.
If you wish to switch from the voice synthesis to your G4 system’s standard siren chirps and
sounds, you may do so using the remote control button combination noted in your G4
system’s user’s manual. IntelliVoice 4 will issue a door-bell-like acknowledgment when you do
so. Repeating the remote control button combination restores IntelliVoice 4 to normal
operation (confirmed with two door-bell-like chimes).
Auto matic re mote con trol low- battery warn ing
If your remote control battery is low, you’ll hear a low-pitched chirp when you disarm instead of
the “DISARMED” acknowledgment. Replacement remote control batteries are available from
any Authorized Clifford Dealer.
Chime upon re mote arming
If the door-bell-like chime sounds immediately after you arm, IntelliVoice 4 is warning you
that the hood or trunk is open. If the chime sounds 5-10 seconds after the “ARMED”
acknowledgment, a sensor is active.
Ver bal di ag nos tic
If you receive the chime upon arming, disarm, enter the vehicle and turn on the ignition.
IntelliVoice 4 will verbally name the trigger or sensor that was active when you armed.