TToo rreem
moovvee aa ssttoorraaggee ccaarrdd::
1. Hold the device securely, and then push against the top of the card, as if you were pushing it further into the slot,
letting the card spring out. An audible system sound will signal that the card has been released.
2. Gently remove the card from the slot.
Recharging the SCOUT 355(B)
SCOUT 355(B) uses a high-density rechargeable 2200 mAh Lithium Ion battery. The status icon located on the top
right corner of the Main Menu panel indicates the level of the device
s battery power.
- Battery full charged
- Battery charging
- Battery level low
- Battery level very low, recharging required
- Battery power depleted, device will automatically If the battery level becomes low in the course of normal
use, recharge the device. Normally, please use the AC adapter to recharge the SCOUT 355(B). However, this may
be difficult when there
s no available AC power outlet on hand. When the device battery is drained while on the
road, you can still recharge the device by using either the car charger cable or the USB cable. Recharging time
from empty to full capacity is about six (6) hours in all cases.
If the battery level reaches very low status, the device will automatically turn off. In this case, you have about
12 hours to recharge your device after which you risk losing all data on the device
s internal memory. In
case all data is lost, the next time you power on the device you will be prompted to restore the data.
SCOUT 355(B) fundamentals
Hardware interface