2. Learn-in the Devices
There are three methods to learn in devices:
command learning
local learning,
Device ID
. The system can learn a total of 20
sensors. All learnt-in devices will be assigned
to zone 1-20 sequentially.
2.1. Command Learning
Command Learning
The user can use Commands 93-94 to
learn devices into the system.
Command 93
is designed to learn in
devices for silent reporting, including
WTR, Fall Sensor, or Panic Button.
Command 93 & 94
is designed to learn
in the following devices and sensors.
PIR Sensor ----- PIR
Smoke Detector ---- SD
Carbon Monoxide Detector---- CO
Fixed Panic Button ---- PB
Wrist Transmitter ---- WTR
Pendant Transmitter ---- WTR
Water Sensor ---- WS
Fall Sensor ---- FS
Carbon Dioxide Detector ---- CO2
Temperature Sensor ---- TS
Please refer to
4.2 Programming Your 1052-
QT-DT35AW: Commands 93-94
for details.
The PC Programming Tool (1052-QT-DT35A-
Tool) also supports
Command Learning
Please refer to
4.4 PC Programming Mode Device
for detailed instructions.
2.2. Local Learning
Local Learning
The user can also use the local learning
method to learn in all devices.
1. When the device is learnt in for the first
time, voice prompt will prompt the
device/sensor name and “learned.”
2. Within 3 minutes after exiting learning
mode, the control panel will emit 1 long
beep everytime it receives a test code (from
any device).
To enter Local Learning Mode:
1. Press and hold the Learn Button of the
CTC-1052-QT-DT35AW. When pressed,
the CTC-1052-QT-DT35AW will emit one
beep sound initially, and then emit a double
beep on the 6
second followed by a voice
“Release the button.” Release the
Learn Button right after the double beep
and the voice prompt.
2. CTC-1052-QT-DT35AW will enter learning
mode as it plays the voice prompt
to learn sensor, Press sensor button
”. The
Purple backlight will turn on.
3. Press the (Learn) button on the device or
Voice Prompt: “(Name of Sensor)
4. If no action within 10 seconds after voice
“Ready to learn sensor, Press
sensor button
”, CTC-1052-QT-DT35AW will
prompt “Press sensor button.” This prompt
will repeat two times if no action.
If no action after second “Press sensor
button” prompt, CTC-1052 will prompt
“Press the button to exit.” This prompt will
be repeated three times if no action
6. If no action (no device button is pressed)
DT35AW will automatically exit Local
Learning Mode and return to idle mode.
Voice Prompt: “We are now in Normal
Operation Mode.”
2.3. Learn-In Device using
Device ID
If sensor device ID is given (please consult
the supplier), the users can learn the device
into the Control Panel using device ID.
User can use SMS commands or the
programming tool SMS iWizard (sold
separately) to learn devices using device ID.
Please refer to the table
DT35AW SMS Remote Programming
Command Table
or the SMS iWizard
operation manual on how to learn in devices
into different zones using device ID.