7.4. UPnP
UPnP is Universal Plug and Play, which opens networking architecture that leverages TCP/IP
and the Web technologies to enable seamless proximity networking in addition to control and
data transfer among networked devices in the home, office, and public spaces.
Enable UPnP Device:
When enabled, you will be able to see this device via any UPnP discovery tool
Enable UPnP Port Redirect:
The device will try to find an UPnP-supported router and set up the port to redirect to the
Port Forwarding:
Port forwarding function allows you to configure specific communication ports to be routed
to your system over the Internet for users to access their IP camera(s) remotely.
1. Local Port:
type 80.
2. External Port:
type 8080.
3. Protocol:
type TCP.
After port forwarding has been set up, the router will forward incoming requests on port
that your IP Camera users. To set up port forwarding on your router, please refer to your
router’s instruction manuals for detail.