Take a sample of the product coming out of the settling chamber discharge (Item 4).
The front air is set properly when a very small amount of good-looking seed is present in
this discharge. This seed usually will be the lightest of the good seed. If there is an excess
amount of good seed, close the front (11) air valve at the hopper end of the machine until
there are only a few good seeds in the settling chamber discharge. Please wait 10 seconds
for the adjusted setting to be discharged out the discharge (Item 4). If there are no good
looking seeds in the discharge, open the front (11) air valve until a small amount of good
seed appears in the settling chamber discharge. If you can’t pull good seed out of the
discharge close the front (9) false air valve door or doors to 4 inches and repeat above
procedure. Repeat this procedure for the back (12) settling chamber except you will be
working with the backset of doors (Item 10) and value (Item 12). After setting the back air
some small adjustment may be required to the front valve to get optimum performance.
The goal is to have the side (9 & 10) false air valve doors opened as wide as possible to
keep the front (11) air and the back (12) air from affecting each other when adjustment is
required. When the feed rate from the inlet hopper(8) is increased or decreased the air
must be readjusted.
Be sure all shaft and eccentric bearings are properly lubricated with a good grade of
pressure grease . For cleaners operating in extreme seasonal ambient temperatures the
type of grease used should take into account the seasonal temperature changes. The
cleaner should be lubricated at regular intervals depending on the location of the bearing.
Eccentric shaft and top fan shaft bearings
Bearings should be lubricated after every 250 hours of operation. One or two pumps on a
standard hand pump grease
gun is sufficient. High pressure air operated grease guns
are not recommended
Motor shaft bearings