Fig A.1 - Hold the carrier out in front of you as
shown…the Close logo should be facing you
reading the right way up.
Fig A.2 - Place the carrier over your head like
a T-shirt…your arms should go out through
the sides.
Fig A.3 - Pull the carrier down at the cross or
feed it back over your shoulders ensuring that
none of the fabric is twisted…the fixed cross
should be in your mid to low back.
Fig A.4 - Tighten the carrier by pulling down
and forward evenly on both straps leaving just
enough room to get your baby is important
that it’s not too loose.
Fig A.5 - To check you have left enough room, simply
place your hands behind the straps as shown…you
should be able to stretch the fabric approximately 10-
12cm clear from your chest, no more. Take some time to
identify the inner strap this is the strap that runs closest to
your body, the other is referred to as your outer strap.
Fig A.6 - To loosen the fabric at any time lift
the visible front/top ring up and outwards
and pull back the fabric above the ring to
lengthen the strap.
Putting on your Caboo…