Taking off your Caboo…
Upright position...
Untie and take off the wrap, loosen the rings slightly to release the fabric, support your baby with one hand while you pull the fabric back with the other until you can get
under each arm (and cupped behind the head for a newborn) then simply lift them up and away from you to free the legs.
Cradle / Breastfeeding position…
Supporting baby firmly, slide the outer strap off your shoulder…place one hand between the inner strap and baby’s bottom, with the other hand gently pull the fabric away
from baby so you can put your hand behind their head…then lift your baby up and out.
We hope you enjoy your Caboo…although awards are nice we think happy mums, dads and babies are the best accolade we can receive.
Why not join the Close community…we would love to hear all about your adventures with our carrier, whether on our doorstep or on the other
side of the world.