“Night Light” – This command turns the alternating colors of the night light
on and off.
“Help” – The clock will respond “you can say (and gives the list of
After saying the words “Hello Moshi”, if you have decided not to say a
command just say the word “cancel”.
Alarm Sound/Snooze
The alarm begins at a low volume and gradually increases if it is not turned
off. After 1 minute, the alarm will automatically snooze.
To turn off the alarm for the day, say “turn off the alarm” in the silences
between the alarm sounds.
If you press the screen when the alarm is sounding, the clock will respond
“snooze time 9 minutes” and will go into snooze mode. This will occur three
times, and then the alarm will stop sounding for the day.
To turn off snooze mode, say “Hello Moshi”, wait for the clock to say
“Welcome, command please” then say “turn off the alarm.
Manual Setting
To set the clock manually (time, alarm, date) use the buttons on the back
side of the clock: “Set”, “Mode”, “Up” (increase) and “Down” (decrease).
The back of the clock has four buttons and two switches. The layout of the
buttons and switches are below.
If looking at the back of the clock, from left to right:
rrow Button
Up Arrow Button
Set Button
Mode Button
Interactive voice on/off switch
Alarm on/off switch
By default, the Interactive voice and Alarm switches are in the