The following items need to be added
together if used simultaneously.
230V Mains equipment typical
consumption figures:
0.80 amps
0.80 amps
Water heater
3.7 amps
Blown air heaters (Elec)
8.00 amps
Colour TV
2.50 amps
6.00 amps
Air conditioning (Elec)
4.00 amps
1.5 kw
6.5 amps
3.0 kw
13.0 amps
Your caravan is fitted with a Power
Distribution Unit (PDU). This comprises of
the 230 volt RCD and MCB’s, Relay housing
and Power Supply/Battery charger, this is
located under the front off side seat towards
the centre of the caravan.
This is for the 230 volt distribution RCD
(Residual Current Device) and MCB’s
(Miniature Circuit Breakers). The RCD gives
protection against electric shock, in the
event of an earth fault that would cause
earth leakage or earth directly through the
human body the RCD will automatically
disconnect the whole 230 volt supply. Only
after removing the fault will the RCD be able
to be switched back to the ON position.
This is done by moving the switch upwards
against the spring pressure and so restoring
the supply.
The MCB’s are designed to protect both for
the overload of each circuit and also the
short circuit. In both events the MCB will
automatically switch to the OFF position and
when the fault is removed they can be
switched upwards against the spring to the
ON position. Both the RCD and MCB’s will
only latch back into position if the fault has
been removed. If these devices will not
locate back into the ON position consult a
qualified electrician.
N.B. The information provided in the
guide relating to fitted equipment is
only intended as a quick reference.
Comprehensive details of
maintenance and fault finding charts
where appropriate can be found by
referring to the accompanying
manufacturer’s literature. If any
doubts still exist about the operation
of the equipment qualified personnel
or your caravan dealer should be
Always disconnect the electrical
connector between the towing
vehicle and the caravan before
connecting a mains supply to the
caravan and before charging the
caravan battery by any other means.
A5 Owners Handbook 2015_2_Layout 1 26/08/2014 16:20 Page 40