Use Of Sodium Bromide
Once a bromine spa -Always a bromine spa.
Where Cyanuric acid is not available or where its use is restricted, bromine can be used as an alternative
sanitizer to chlorine.
The EcoClean unit will convert sodium bromide to bromine in the same way that it converts sodium chloride
to chlorine.
NOTE: Bromine spas do not require the addition of Cyanuric acid. Typical chlorine stabilizer provides no U.V.
protection for bromine residuals. DO NOT MAINTAIN OR ADD CYANURIC ACID TO A BROMINE SPA!
To produce hypobromous acid (bromine sanitizer), we recommend adding 66 grams (2.4 oz.) of
sodium bromide for every 2.2 kg (5 lbs.) of sodium chloride (salt) added to the spa. Always use a
registered or scheduled source of bromide.
REMEMBER: For the EcoClean System to produce bromine, the spa water must contain the recommended
level of both salts as previously specified. (When used, sodium bromide is added in addition to the
normal amount of sodium chloride required.)
EcoClean Power Supply Functions (Cont’d)
Section 3 b
Section 3 a
EcoClean Power Supply Functions (Cont’d)
Equipment Start-up Sequence
Before operating the EcoClean System, perform the following steps to ensure proper installation and opera-
A. Turn ON all circuit breakers to the spa equipment. Turn on jet pump. Add required type(s) and amount of
salt to spa. Broadcast over the surface and allow salt to COMPLETELY dissolve (15 – 20 minutes). Place the
cell in the spa (bottom of footwell). Plug the Power Supply into a 110VAC GFCI protected outlet and set the
feed rate dial to 100%. The following indicators should display a series of green flashes for 5 seconds,
followed by a solid green light. If this sequence does not occur please refer to the Trouble Shooting Guide
starting on page 12 for further assistance.
NOTE: Be sure to test the chlorine/bromine level for the next few days and properly adjust the
chlorine/bromine output dial as outlined on page 4 of this manual.
Make the required adjustment and allow the spa to react to this change a minimum of 2 days. After 2 days,
retest the spa water and make any further “small” adjustments as required, until the EcoClean unit maintains
an adequate Free Available Chlorine or Free Available Bromine residual.