-2000 USER
Coastal Environmental Systems (206) 682-6048
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The WEATHERPAK has a set of menus which are used to change the data collection schedule, upload logged data,
display and change communications parameters, and display and change system parameters and values. You can
reach the menus connecting a terminal (test set) directly to the user interface communications port on the front of
the WEATHERPAK; any terminal or computer with RS232 input will do.
A PC or AT running a terminal program such as CROSSTALK or MIRROR is ideal. You can also use the
Microsoft WINDOWS
terminal program to communicate with the WEATHERPAK; or even a dumb terminal
with an RS-232 serial port. Coastal Environmental Systems can provide terminal software for this task.
Most terminal emulation programs have a “capture” mode that lets you save the session on a disk file. This
practice is highly recommended as it provides a reference if any questions about operation or setup arise.
Connecting the Terminal
To communicate with the WEATHERPAK, your terminal must be connected to the user interface communications
port on the front of the WEATHERPAK.
Set the terminal as follows:
Baud rate = 9600 (you can change and save this) (Radio Base Stations use 1200 Baud)
Start bits = 1
Stop bits = 1
Data bits = 8
Parity = none
Powering up the WEATHERPAK
Power is supplied via the umbilical cable. The system requires 11-18 VDC. The mean current drain is 20 mA and
the peak current required is 80 mA.
Automatic Bootup Sequence
The WEATHERPAK commences operation when power is applied to it. The program commences by setting all
default parameters. The parameter EEPROM memory is read into RAM. This memory contains parameters such
as sampling rates, calibration coefficients, and state flags.
If a terminal is connected while the power is applied you will see something similar to the following message after
about 5 seconds:
Watchdog Reset
Zeno 3200 V1.50 Nov 27 1994 14:36:30
Copyright (C) Coastal Environmental Systems, 1994.
System Time = 94/11/28 12:26:50
Initializing (approximately 8 seconds) . . ./
Sampling . . . Type 'U' To Enter The User Menus.