Weather Station Manual
If your system includes a radio transmitter,
do not power up the ZENO
until you have connected the antenna
1) If you are running INTERCEPT
(our User Interface software) You will need to turn off
the Data Collector for INTERCEPT
in order to use UCON Terminal program on the same
comport. On your computer, go to
Start\Control Panel\Administrative Tools
and open
. Locate
in the list. Right click on it and choose
. Once the
service has stopped, proceed with the next step.
2) Set up a uCon window in order to communicate with the Base Station as follows:
A) Install the uCon software from the CD provided with your system. It should already
be set up with the communication parameters used for your system. If not, or if you did
not receive or have lost your CD you can download the software from
and click on the blue uCon link in the upper
left corner of the page.
B) Click on the ucon_install.exe icon (may be in C:\Documents and Settings\User\My
Documents\Downloads) and follow prompts to install the software.
C) Once the uCon software has been installed, double click on the icon
to start
the software. You should see the following configuration window:
D) Change the serial settings as
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Click “OK”. Your uCon window
should now be connected to the
selected com port on your computer.
3) Type
to access the ZENO
User Menu. Your screen should now