Maverick Boat Group
3207 Industrial 29th St. • Fort Pierce, Florida 34946
Macerator Switches
The switches for each fish box macerator are located on the switch panel left of the
steering helm and are labeled accordingly. The pumps can only be operated
independently of each other.
Macerator Access
In order to access the macerators, open the bilge access hatch by using the controls on
the starboard side of the tackle station.
Failure to remove the backrest before the
hatch is fully opened can result in damage to the backrest and/or the hatch
The macerator pumps will be mounted in the bilge area on the inboard side of the
stringers and operate their respective fish box (port/starboard).
Anchor Locker
Anchor Locker/Rode Storage
The anchor locker is located at the bow of
the boat and is accessible through the
anchor locker door or hatch (photo below).
There is an eye mounted to the bow eye to
secure your anchor rode or chain to. After
setting your anchor, the excess rode can
remain stored in the locker. The notch
supplied in the door allows you to securely close the locker by aligning your rode
through the notch. Optional windlass shown on page 30.
Anchor Locker
Hatch Control
Bilge Access