Maverick Boat Group
3207 Industrial 29th St. • Fort Pierce, Florida 34946
Bench Seats & Ski Box
Aft Bench Seat
The Cobia 280 DC has an innovative aft bench which can be positioned two different
ways. In the compact position, the seat leaves more room on the deck by resting the
bottom cushion in a vertical position. While in this position, the transom is made more
easily accessible. While in the upright position, the bench provides enough space to seat
multiple passengers comfortably.
Ski Box
To allow for maximum
efficiency of space, the Cobia
280 DC features a compartment
built into the floor of the boat,
port of the helm. It can hold an
array of items due to the large
amount of space it offers while
still allowing for easy movement
around the deck over top of it.
This box drains into the bilge.
Aft bench seat in the upright position
Aft bench seat in the compact position
Closed ski box
Open ski box