Codonics Virtua
Robotic Arm Utility
This Technical Brief provides instructions for using the
Robotic Arm Alignment Utility and Robotic Arm Cycle Test.
In Virtua
Version 3.1.1 and later software, these tools are
available on the Utilities screen in the Robotic Arm tab.
The Robotic Arm Utility is used to help assure that the
Virtua Medical Disc Publisher’s robotic arm is properly
calibrated for regular transport of discs from the optical disc
bin(s) to the optical drive(s) to the print tray and then the
output bin. It is strongly recommended that the Robotic Arm
Cycle Test (see page 7) be run upon initial Virtua system
installation or after major system repair/transport. If it does
not complete successfully, the calibration process should be
The following items are required to complete these service
T10 Torx driver (torque driver recommended)
Felt-tip pen
Up to 50 optical discs
3.1.1 software or later is installed on Virtua.
1. Wait for Virtua to finish processing jobs.
2. Open the top cover and place a folded piece of paper or
card stock in the optical sensor as shown in the following
image. This will allow access to the drives and print tray
while the cover is open.
3. Go to the
tab and then the
Robotic Arm
4. Press the
button in the Robotic Arm Alignment
section to enter calibration mode. Jobs subsequently sent
to Virtua will accumulate in the background and will be
processed after calibration mode is exited.
This Utility should only be used by those
personnel familiar in its use, since mis-calibration could
cause poor performance or damage to the system. The
Utility will only be available to users with the Admin
role. Contact Codonics Technical Support for additional
This utility cannot be used on Virtua ECO
systems that run software versions 3.1.1 through 4.0.1.
This utility will not run on Virtua-1 systems.
Check the trays of the optical disc drives for 4
clear Teflon stickers on the drive tray where the optical
disc would be placed. If they are not present, contact
Codonics Technical Support.
The robotic arm will move with the top
cover sensor disabled. Keep hands, hair, and loose
clothing clear of robotic arm when in motion.