Magellan MX Weather Station
Columbia Weather Systems, Inc.
Fields Definition:
NODE Outputs a Node letter (A to Z).
SPEED Outputs wind speed readings in mph.
CSPEED Outputs Corrected Speed if a GPS option is enabled in mph.
GSPEED Outputs WMO Gust Speed in mph.
CGSPEED Corrected Gust Speed if a GPS option is enabled in mph.
AVGSPEED Outputs WMO average speed reading based on AVG short
and AVG long settings in mph.
AVGCSPEED Outputs WMO average corrected Speed reading using
GPS based on AVG short and AVG long settings in mph.
DIR Outputs wind direction readings in degrees.
CDIR Outputs Compass corrected wind direction readings in degrees.
GDIR Outputs WMO Gust Direction in degrees.
CGDIR Compass corrected WMO Gust Direction in degrees.
AVGDIR Outputs WMO average direction reading based on AVG short
and AVG long settings in degrees.
AVGCDIR Outputs WMO average compass corrected direction reading
based on AVG short and AVG long settings in degrees.
PRESS Outputs the Barometric Pressure reading in Inches Mercury.
RH Outputs Relative Humidity reading in %RH.
TEMP Outputs the Temperature reading in degrees Fahrenheit.
DEWPOINT Outputs the Dew point reading in degrees Fahrenheit.
PRECIPT Outputs Rain Total reading in inches.
PRECIPI Outputs Rain Intensity reading in inches. It is the sum of the
last sixty lots of 1-minute accumulated Rain data. A new sum
measurement is generated every minute.
PRECIPS Outputs Precipitation (Rain) Status as No (N) or Yes (Y).
Changes N to Y when total precipitation is incremented.
Changes Y to N when total precipitation has not incremented in the last
60 seconds.
SOLARRAD Outputs the Solar Radiation Reading in Watts per metered
SOLARHOURS Sunshine Hours.
COMPASSH Compass Heading direction reading.
GPSHEADING Outputs a GPS direction heading.