Mains pro 1.6.1 Global Guide
2 Introduction of Installation and
Operation Guide
Congratulations to your purchase of ComAp MainsPro unit! MainsPro is a microprocessor-based protective
relay, providing a comprehensive set of protective and supplementary functionalities. The basic protective
functions are:
Loss of mains
This covers the basic requirements for mains-decoupling (inter-tie, „G59/2“) protection, but allows also usage in
many applications where benefits of the unit’s unique functionality is needed.
2.1 Purpose of this manual
The Installation and Operation Guide serves for the personnel, providing installation of the MainsPro unit. It
contains wiring and setting instructions, needed for service and commissioning of the unit. It also contains
introduction of the user interface and necessary procedures to perform setting and operating of the unit. Though
MainsPro is very simple and intuitive for the operating personnel, we recommend keeping one copy of this
manual available permanently at the installation site, where MainsPro unit is installed, to facilitate the
necessary service and operation tasks.
2.2 Confornity declaration
Following described machine complies with the appropriate basic safety and health requirement of
the EC Low Voltage Directive No: 73/23 / EEC and EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
89/336 / EEC based on its design and type, as brought into circulation by us.
VDE O126-1-1
The unit is certified to comply to the appropriate requirements of the standard DIN V
VDE V 0126-1-1 (certificate ref. 44 207 11 398020, available upon request), with the
following conditions:
The conformity with the Standard DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1, chapter 4.1/ 6.1,
which is declared in the certificate 44 207 11 398020, requires the tolerance
against one fault. In order to fulfill this functional safety requirement, a
redundant architecture has to be built by the usage of two certified units.
It has to be ensured that each of both units is connected to an output (relay)
which is capable to induce opening of the operated contactor.
CEI 0-21
The unit is certified to comply with the requirements of the standard CEI 0-21. The