LV-67U User’s Manual
Appendix D <Programmable GPIO >
The GPIO’ can be programmed with the MS-DOS debug program using simple
IN/OUT commands.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-o 4E 87
;enter configuration
-o 4E 87
-o 4E 07
-o 4F 07
;select Logical Device
-o 4E 30
-o 4F 10
;activate GPIO function (The board use GPIO4)
-o 4E F0
-o 4F XX
;set “01” GPIO as input, set “00” GPIO as output
-o 4E F1
-o 4F XX
;if set GPIO as output, this register’s value can be set “00~ FF”
-o 4E F2
-o 4F XX
;set “01”, the respective bit are inverted (Both input and output)
;set “00”, the respective bit are normal
For further information, please refer to Nuvoton NCT6106D datasheet