ADCP-96-167 • Issue 5 • July 2016
Page 4
© 2016, CommScope, Inc.
Four 8-position connector packs or two 16-position (32 fibers total) can be mounted in
the storage panel.
Output Fiber Guideway
– Provides a guideway for routing the splitter output fibers to
the sliding adapter packs.
Splitter Compartment
– Provides a place for mounting the plug and play splitter
modules. Supports up to four splitters. The splitters specified for use with the FDH
3000 cabinet are equipped with reduced bend radius (RBR) fibers and 54-inch output
Exterior Grounding Lug
– Provides a means for connecting a #6 solid copper
grounding cable (from an approved earth ground source) to the cabinet.
Interior Grounding Studs
– Provide a connection point for grounding OSP cables with
metallic strength members.
All-Splice Cabinet
Feeder Splice Tray
– Provides a means for splicing feeder cable fibers to the splitter
input fibers. The rectangular universal splice tray accommodates both stranded and
ribbon cable splices and can hold twelve stranded fiber splices or one mass fusion
ribbon splice (12-fibers).
Distribution Splice Trays (1 - 6)
– Provide a means for splicing distribution cable
fibers to the distribution port fibers. Each rectangular universal splice tray
accommodates both stranded and ribbon cable splices and can hold twelve stranded
fiber splices or one mass fusion ribbon splice (12-fibers).
All-MPO Connector Cabinet
Feeder MPO Connector/Adapter
– Provides a means for connecting a pre-terminated
feeder cable (terminated with a male MPO connector) to the splitter input fiber
assembly. An 8-fiber MPO connector provides the feeder cable interface.
Distribution MPO Connectors/Adapters
– Provide a means for connecting pre-
terminated distribution cables (terminated with male MPO connectors) to the
distribution port fibers. Both an 8-fiber and a 12-fiber MPO connector option is available
for the distribution cable interface.
Combination Splice/MPO Connector Cabinet
Feeder Splice Tray
– Provides a means for splicing feeder cable fibers to the splitter
input pigtails. The rectangular universal splice tray accommodates both stranded and
ribbon cable splices and can hold twelve stranded fiber splices or one mass fusion
ribbon splice (12-fibers).
Distribution MPO Connectors
– Provide a means for connecting pre-terminated
distribution cables (terminated with male MPO connectors) to the distribution pigtail