SAN Configurations for RA8000/ESA12000 on Windows NT - Intel
Line 2 in Table 2 lists the configuration maximums for Windows NT Intel platforms in a
heterogeneous SAN configuration.
If implementing a SAN for high availability storage using Compaq Secure Path for Windows NT,
refer to the Secure Path configuration rules.
If implementing a SAN integrating Compaq Enterprise Backup on your SAN, refer to the EBS
connectivity and configuration rules
Select the desired method(s) of SAN management and access control based on your specific
needs. Use SWCC for storageset management, and controller based SSP or switch based Zoning
(or both) for disk storage access control. Use Secure Path Manager to manage high availability,
use Legato NetWorker and SmartMedia software to manage the backup-and-restore process.
SAN Configuration Rules and Maximums
The following sections list the SAN design rules as they apply to Fabric configurations, Windows NT
Intel platforms for servers and storage, enterprise backup integration, and high availability storage.
Fabric Rules
Up to 4 fibre channel switches total in a single Fabric - a SAN with all switches interconnected.
All Compaq FC 16-port and 8-port switch models are supported inter-mixed
A server can attach to multiple multi-switch Fabrics (Figure 1). The number of separate Fabrics
per server or total number of switches per server in separate Fabrics is based on the specific
server model capabilities and the maximum number of FC HBAs supported
Within a single Fabric, maximum of 1 switch hop between servers and storage, maximum of 2
switch hops worst case with a single fault - a Fabric can re-route to a 2-hop path on a single link
failure. A hop is defined as 1 or more connections between two FC switches, for example; 2
switches cascaded = 1 hop. Server to FC switch segments and Storage to FC switch segments are
not counted as hops
Within a single Fabric where switches are interconnected, each FC switch must have a unique
domain number (Domain_ID)
Up to 15 inter-switch links (ISLs) between any 2 switches
Minimum cable segment length is 2 meters
Up to 200 meters per cable segment using short-wavelength laser GBICs and 62.5 micron multi-
mode fiber optic cable. With multiple cable segments 600 meters total distance nominal, 800
meters worst case with a single fault re-route, between server and storage
Up to 500 meters per cable segment using short-wavelength laser GBICs and 50u multi-mode
fibre optic cable. With multiple cable segments 1.5 km total distance nominal, 2.0 km worst case
with a single fault re-route, between server and storage
Up to 10 km per ISL cable segment using long-wavelength laser GBICs and 9u single-mode fibre
optic cable. With multiple cable segments 11 kilometers total distance nominal, 21 km worst case
with a single fault re-route, between server and storage. 10 km links are only supported in switch
to switch connections
Figure 1 One Server to Multiple 4-Switch Fabrics
Fabric 1
Fabric 3
Fabric 2