Product Overview
Compaq Confidential – Need to Know Required
Writer: Bob Young Project: RAID Array 3000 Controller Shelf Hardware User’s Guide Comments:
Part Number: EK-SMCPQ-UG. D01 File Name: b-ch1 Product Overview.doc Last Saved On: 12/4/00 1:09 PM
Figure 1-2 shows the RAID Array 3000 6-slot Device Expansion Shelf
Figure 1-2. RAID Array 3000 6-slot Device Expansion Shelf (optional)
A battery-backup subsystem is included with the controller shelf in the form of
a rackmount Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS). In case of a power failure,
the UPS provides temporary power to the storage system while it flushes its
cache contents to disks. The UPS is normally installed in the lowest available
slot in the cabinet.
The UPS is sized to perform this function for the controller and
device expansion shelves only. No other electrical devices should be plugged
into the UPS.
As an option, a second RAID controller module can be added for redundancy.
The second controller operates in conjunction with the installed controller to
protect data in case of a malfunction in the primary unit. The optional
controller is installed directly below the primary controller in the center of the
shelf (see Figure 1-3).
The controller shelf and its associated options are listed in Table 1– 1.