Chapter 4 - CompatiView Software Installation
Chapter 4 - CompatiView
Software Installation
All of the routers in Compatible Systems’ internetworking and VPN
families, including all RISC Router and MicroRouter models, can be
managed from a single GUI management platform called CompatiView.
CompatiView for Windows is included on the CD-ROM which was
shipped with your MicroRouter 1250i.
An older version of CompatiView for Mac OS was included
on the CD-ROM shipped with your router, but does not contain some of
the features of the newest Windows version.
CompatiView for Windows
CompatiView for Windows allows you to manage the MicroRouter
1250i from an IBM-compatible PC running Windows 95/98 or
Windows NT. The PC can either be configured as an IPX client on a
Novell NetWare internet, or as an IP WinSock client on an IP internet.
System Requirements
In order to successfully run CompatiView for Windows, you need:
IBM PC or compatible w/486 or later processor
Microsoft Windows 95/98, or Windows NT installed
VGA or better monitor
IP - A WinSock-compatible transport stack
- and/or -
IPX - A Netware or Microsoft Client installation
To choose the active transport protocol on a Windows
machine which has both IPX and IP installed, select “Options” from the
Database menu and click the General tab. Then select the appropriate
radio button under “Transport.”
Installation and Operation
The Windows version of the CompatiView program can be found in the
Network Management/CompatiView/Windows directory on the
CD-ROM that was included with your MicroRouter 1250i.