Installation Options
Tie-me-down: Securing CUDDY™ in place
CUDDY can be easily secured in place for bumpy roads, choppy seas, or very rough nights.
Unlike some other composting toilets, CUDDY can be secured flush against a wall while allowing access to
the solids bin and liquids bottle. No disassembly is required.
4mm or 5/32 drill bit
Additional Materials (not included):
Appropriate fixings for the surface you’re securing CUDDY to.
Victory Beverage
Disconnect CUDDY from power source
Remove CUDDY’s Solids bin and liquid bottle.
Lift CUDDY’s seat and carefully lay the unit on its side.
Drill through the four eyelets in the base.
Place CUDDY upright and in the desired position. Mark the floor with a pencil through the holes in
the base.
Drill pilot holes in the floor where marked and secure fixings if required.
Place screws through the eyelets in the base and into the floor.
Enjoy victory beverage.
July 05, 2022