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Compressor Staging Graph Screen
The Staging Graph Screen (Figure 42) depicts the process value versus the process setpoint. As the process value
increases above the setpoint, the system demand will increase. This increase in system demand will stage
compressors on as needed to maintain setpoint. As the process value decreases, compressors will de-stage trying
to maintain process setpoint. If the process value reaches the stage off value, then all compressors will de-stage.
The system demand is calculated by dividing the number of active compressors by the total number of
compressors available.
Figure 42 – Compressor Staging Graph Screen
Table 29 – Compressor Staging Graph Parameters
Menu Item
Stage to Stage Delay
The minimum delay duration between staging on multiple compressors. This time
delay temporarily halts the demand percent from calculating allowing the newly
staged compressor to properly influence the system.