Know everything about the hair designer
by conair
Know everything about the hair designer
by conair
curLing the ends oF your hair
curl under Flip
1. Select the horizontal position for the straightener attachment.
2. Separate a section of hair about 1½" wide. Place the dryer (detangling teeth facing down)
under the section of hair.
3. With a slight twisting motion of the wrist, turn the appliance under and slide it slowly
towards the ends, using your free hand if necessary to turn the hair up.
4. Hold it for 5 to 10 seconds: this will give the action of the Tourmaline Ceramic
and flocked
disks maximum effect.
5. Repeat if necessary and finish with a shot of cool air on the section of hair for perfect hold.
Long/shouLder Length hair
1. Select the horizontal position for the straightener attachment.
2. Separate a section of hair about 1½" wide. Place the dryer (detangling comb facing down) at the
roots ensuring that the teeth of the detangling comb penetrate hair fully.
3. Hold ends of hair strand while straightening to keep hair taut and create tension for best results.
4. With a slight twisting motion of the wrist, turn the appliance under and slide it slowly down
the length of your hair to smooth out curls underneath strand.
5. Repeat if necessary until strand reaches the desired level of smoothness. Finish with a cool
air shot to set style.
6. For smoother hair, concentrate heat and tourmaline, ceramic, ionic technology by slowly
straightening each strand. With this new technology, results will still be faster and easier than
using a traditional brush.