Copyright © 2013, Condor Instruments Ltda.
Av. Brigadeiro Luis Antonio, 551, cj 124 - Cep:01318-000
1. Guarantee that the golden pins in both the dock and in the ActTrust are
aligned as shown.
2. Rotate de ActTrust in order to dovetail it in dock.
3. Close the dock and pressure it until the click locks.
The ActTrust is an Activity Recording Device (Actimeter) that measures Activity,
Wrist temperature and light exposure. It is intended to be worn in one of the
limbs to assess sleep parameters needed to evaluate sleep quality and sleep
disorders. It requires one of the ActDock accessories to extract the data.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Wash only with warm water and mild soap.
Always wash the device when it got into contact with salt water.
Whenever the ActTrust is going to be stored, put the same into power
down mode.
Do not leave the ActTrust with the battery fully discharged for long
periods. This may reduce the lifetime of the internal battery.
If the ActTrust is stored for long periods, perform a full charge of the
battery every 6 months.
Light Sensor
Event Button