Operating Instructions
Weighing System 0521
translated document
page 16 of 123
It should be emphasized that the full scale (or the span) of the sensor output signal does not begin at zero. LASSTEC fibre-optic sensors
always indicate a value for the reflected wavelength.
A weighing cycle begins with the applied “lock” signal, the interrogator measures the Bragg wavelength off all connected Twistlocks and
stores them as reference. During the lifting of the container the Bragg wavelength are measured continuously and the interrogator
processes the difference between the reference Bragg wavelength and the Bragg wavelength with load into the actual weight. Once the
Twistlocks are unlocked again the load cycle is finished.
In case the lock signal is temporarily lost during a load cycle or the power of the crane or machine is switched off, the system continues
to weigh when the power is back again. The system only ends the weighing cycle when it receives the unlock signal. The LASSTEC
system always requires these signals to function.
Configuration of the Interrogator
Required Software to be installed in advance
LabView Runtime
LabVIEW runtime is a free of charge software, and can be downloaded from the official National Instrument website.
The LabVIEW runtime version required for the LASSTEC configuration software V2.5.1 is:
Requirements for installation
The LabVIEW runtime installation file.
A compatible computer (see the National Instrument website for the PC requirements).
Installation instruction
The following instructions are based on the LabVIEW runtime xxx.
Download the appropriate installation file (if not already done) from the official National Instruments website.
Execute the installation file.
Follow the instructions until the installation is complete
NIVISA Communication Driver
NVISA runtime is a free of charge software, and can be downloaded from the official National Instrument website.
The NVISA runtime version required for the LASSTEC configuration software Vx.x is:
NIVISA runtime.msi, version 3.0.
Requirements for Installation
The NVISA runtime installation file.
A compatible computer (see the National Instrument website for the PC requirements).