Squelch/Call Cancel
This is an alternative action key that
enables or disables the squelch mode.
While in the squelch mode, any voice
traffic will be heard no matter what the
squelch level. That means if there is no
signal you will hear squelch noise. While
the key is pressed, the display will show
“MON” on the second line of the display.
This key will also cancel the current
incoming call.
By turning off the squelch, the user can
hear a weaker signal than if the squelch
was already enabled. This is both a
diagnostic tool and a feature. If the
transmitter from the originating user is
weak and does not get past the squelch,
then disabling the squelch will allow the
user to hear weak signals.
Pressing the “Emergency” key will cause
the radio to transmit an emergency
message. The display will show in large
letters “EMERGENCY”.
Pressing the key designated as “emergency
alarm” will cause the radio will go into an
emergency mode and depending on the
dealer programming, will either generate a
local alarm or transmit an alarm to another
radio or both.
This has a similar function as the Lone
Worker mode. The biggest difference is the
user must press a key to start this function
verses the Lone Worker where not doing
something starts the function. This could be
used in situations where you want someone
to know there is an emergency but talking
over the radio might jeopardize the safety
of the user.
Cancel Emergency
Pressing the “Cancel Emergency” key will
cancel the emergency transmission,
generate two beeps, and the cause the
“EMERGENCY” on the display to
disappear. This key would normally be
pressed if the emergency alarm condition is
resolved or the emergency alarm key has
been pressed by accident.