depending how the unit is preprogrammed.
If the user does not press the appropriate
key soon after the radio starts to alarm, the
radio will go into an emergency mode and
depending on the dealer programming, will
either generate a local alarm or transmit an
alarm to another radio or both.
In/Out Speaker
Enables or disables the speaker for
purposes of generating an alarm. When
enabled, an external DTMF or Two Tone
code can be used to set of the Speaker
Scan List Edit
This allows the radio-user to edit a Scan
List. Scan List editing is only available for
Scan Lists where the User Programmable
field has been enabled
GPS Information
It's used to look over the GPS information
with GPS mobile.
Vox Level
This key is used to adjust the level of the
VOX. Level 1 is the least sensitive and
Level 10 is the most sensitive.
Pressing this button enters the “Vox Level
Adjustment Mode” Press the
button to adjust the level and then press
the button to save the selected Vox level
and quit this mode.
Missed Call
The Missed calls key is used to display the
list of missed calls. As an example, you
leave your radio, and while you were gone
you received three calls.. When you come
back you can use the missed calls key to
see who have called you and then call those
parties back. This feature is not currently
GPS Auto Tx
This feature allow the users to change the
mode of the GPS Auto Tx . An alert tone
heard will enable the feature, and two alert
tone heard will disable the feature