Now switch on the measuring device and the computer.
b) Using the optional software (not supplied with the multimeter)
The MS DOS program is called METEX and is stored under GRA-
PHIC on a floppy disk. The Windows program is called Scopeview
and is stored under SCOPE on another floppy disk.
Use of the MS DOS software is described below:
The following instruction(s) presuppose basic knowledge of
the various MS DOS commands and an available hard disk. If
the user has insufficient or no basic knowledge of MS DOS
commands, the MS DOS manual must be consulted concer-
ning software installation. In addition, a VGA monitor (+ VGA
card in the computer) is required to operate the software.
Insert the floppy disk into the appropriate disk drive (A or B or si-
2. Open a new directory: md\ METEX (Enter)
3. Then call this directory: cd\ (Enter
Copy all GRAPHIC subdirectories into the directory METEX using
Copy a:\GRAPHIC c: