• Use the navigation keys (7) to select ‘Set-
up’ → ‘Network’ → ‘LAN setup’ → ‘DHCP’ in
the main menu.
In DHCP mode (Dynamic Host Confi guration Protocol), the product automati-
cally sets up a network connection. As soon as a network connection is estab-
lished, ‘DHCP ready’ appears on the display
If the network connection cannot be set up automatically, you can also set it up manually. To set
up the network connection manually, proceed as follows:
• Use the navigation keys (7) to select ‘Set-
up’ → ‘Network’ → ‘LAN setup’ → ‘Static IP’
in the main menu.
• In the following window, enter the appropriate
IP details (IP address, Standard Gateway,
DNS Server IP address). The values for the
subnet mask are set by default for the network
and must not be changed.
You can get the values for the
network settings from your router confi guration.